Professional American Sign Language Translators

Columbus Lang connects you to your audience in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community in the USA with tailored American Sign Language translation services. Contact us now and get the best of our American Sign Language translators!

Enhance Accessibility With American Sign Language Translators

As the primary language for many in the deaf community, American Sign Language allows for full and equal communication but without skilled American Sign Language translators, those who use sign language would face significant barriers in domains like education, healthcare, employment, and civic participation. 

American Sign Language translation services act as the linguistic bridge between English and ASL. Sign language interpreters typically increase the accessibility of various services by interpreting simultaneously for deaf individuals in various settings such as schools, doctor's offices, courtrooms, religious services, and more. 

Such live interpretation services give deaf people complete access to information and services that those relying on written or text alternatives cannot achieve. As organizations aim to be more inclusive, American Sign Language translation services help ensure that deaf patrons are truly welcome and have equal access.

For many deaf individuals, American Sign Language translators play an essential role in their personal and professional lives. Whether obtaining an education, accessing medical care, performing a job, or participating actively in the community, skilled sign language interpreters are how deaf people can understand and be understood.

With more businesses coming to recognize the value of having American Sign Language translators on board when working with deaf clients, customers, and employees, Columbus Lang meets the demand for qualified interpretation services with professional sign language interpreters trained to handle communication in every setting.

American Sign Language Translators

Harness Our American Sign Language Translators’ Extensive Expertise

Columbus Lang’s American Sign Language translators are well-versed in supporting deaf professionals in the workforce. There are more than 100,000 deaf Americans in the labor force, filling roles in various industries like healthcare, education, technology, government, skilled trades, and more. Columbus Lang supports them and their employers with American Sign Language translation services to make it possible to communicate fully at meetings, presentations, conferences, and informal discussions, empowering deaf people to succeed in their careers.

  • 1-Legal American Sign Language Translators
  • 2-IT American Sign Language Translators
  • 3-Healthcare American Sign Language Translators
  • 4-Manufacturing American Sign Language Translators
  • 5-Marketing American Sign Language Translators
  • 6-Advertising American Sign Language Translators
  • 7-Retail American Sign Language Translators
  • 8-E-Commerce American Sign Language Translators
  • 9-Travel American Sign Language Translators
  • 10-Hospitality American Sign Language Translators
  • 11-Life Sciences American Sign Language Translators
  • 12-Finance American Sign Language Translators
  • 13-Banking American Sign Language Translators
  • 14-Game American Sign Language Translators
  • 15-Medical American Sign Language Translators
  • 16-Government American Sign Language Translators
  • 17-Clinical Research American Sign Language Translators
  • 18-Automotive American Sign Language Translators
  • 19-E-Learning American Sign Language Translators
  • 20-Architecture American Sign Language Translators

American Sign Language Translators

Sign Language Interpreters Experts In 260+ Languages

Columbus Lang is unique in employing sign language interpreters fluent in over 260 signed languages, more than any other translation agency. Whether clients need American Sign Language translation services or a rare indigenous sign, Columbus Lang can provide certified interpreters. Our extensive roster allows deaf people everywhere access regardless of the sign language they use most frequently. This expanded language coverage further solidifies Columbus Lang's reputation as the premier provider of highly skilled interpretation services.

American Sign Language Interpreters
German Sign Language Interpreters
Spanish Sign Language Interpreters
Italian Sign Language Interpreters
French Sign Language Interpreters
Portuguese Sign Language Interpreters
Russian Sign Language Interpreters
Swedish Sign Language Interpreters
Dutch Sign Language Interpreters
Romanian Sign Language Interpreters
Turkish Sign Language Interpreters
Hebrew Sign Language Interpreters
Hindi Sign Language Interpreters
Urdu Sign Language Interpreters
Bengali Sign Language Interpreters
Mandarin Sign Language Interpreters
Cantonese Sign Language Interpreters
Chinese Sign Language Interpreters
Japanese Sign Language Interpreters
Korean Sign Language Interpreters
Taiwanese Sign Language Interpreters
Thai Sign Language Interpreters
Indonesian Sign Language Interpreters
Tamil Sign Language Interpreters
Persian Sign Language Interpreters
Arabic Sign Language Interpreters
Swahili Sign Language Interpreters
Karen Sign Language Interpreters

American Sign Language Translators

More Linguistic Solutions From Columbus Lang

While sign language interpreters are paramount to deaf communication access, Columbus Lang recognizes needs vary within the hard-of-hearing population. Our services include captioning, audio transcription, and note-taking to accommodate diverse hearing levels. Through innovative technology solutions and multilingual staff, Columbus Lang provides more options that overcome obstacles beyond just interpretation services. This personalized approach ensures all hard-of-hearing individuals achieve full comprehension and participation regardless of their unique hearing abilities.

  • 1-Translation Services
  • 2-Localization Services
  • 3-Content Creation Services
  • 4-Interpretation Services
  • 5-Transcreation Services
  • 6-Desktop Publishing Services
  • 7-Transcription Services
  • 8-Voiceover Services
  • 9-Subtitling Services
  • 10-Proofreading Services
  • 11-Website Localization Services
  • 12-Machine Translation Services
  • 13-MTPE Services
  • 14-Document Translation Services

The Columbus Lang Advantage

When you work with Columbus Lang, you can trust your event or assignment is in good hands. Our American Sign Language translators are fully committed to client service and arrive prepared to handle every assignment, big or small. Feedback consistently cites their energetic yet unobtrusive professional demeanor.

All our sign language interpreters are fully certified by the appropriate authorities on American Sign Language translation services. But Columbus Lang doesn't stop there, we ensure our team maintains their skills through continued education and training, guaranteeing clients the highest qualified interpreters with years of experience.

Our American Sign Language translators are known industry-wide for their excellent quality of interpretation between ASL and spoken English. Through meticulous skills tests and ongoing oversight, they've proven to achieve over 99% accuracy on even the most complex interpretation occasions.

Whether you need a sign language interpreter for an hour or a year, Columbus Lang can provide interpretation services for all occasions. With numerous satisfied clients and a stellar reputation, it's clear that Columbus Lang sets the industry standard for excellence in American Sign Language translation services.


Who Can You Reach With American Sign Language Translators?

Columbus Lang’s sign language interpreters primarily cater to deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. They meet the linguistic and communication needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community across all life domains, with tailored interpretation services promoting equal access, inclusion, and independence. Here are some key groups that rely on American Sign Language translators:

  • Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Community

Columbus Lang’s American Sign Language translation services are the main mode of communication for many in the deaf community.

  • Students

Deaf students in school, college, and vocational programs require our sign language interpreters to understand lessons, communicate with teachers and classmates, and participate equally.

  • Patients

Deaf individuals accessing healthcare count American Sign Language translators to understand doctors, nurses, procedures, consent forms, and more.

  • Employees

Many deaf professionals work in various fields and occupations and our interpretation services are important for meetings, training, conferences, presentations, and daily communication.

  • Legal/Court System

Our sign language interpreters are available for deaf individuals involved in legal matters like hearings, trials, depositions, interrogations, and more.

  • Government Services

Columbus Lang’s American Sign Language translation services facilitate deaf peoples’ access and engagement with entities like social services, DMVs, public meetings, emergency services, and more.

  • Performing Artists

We help deaf musicians, performers, and public speakers with professional American Sign Language translators who translate their work.

  • Families of Deaf Individuals

Columbus Lang’s interpretation services promote inclusion when communicating with deaf family members or assisting with things like parent-teacher meetings.

Get Your Documents Translated Now

Easily translate your documents and digital content with quality and speed in over 260 languages.