Desktop Publishing

It is no doubt that the translation industry does not only depend on the translation, but also desktop publishing services (DTP) to highlight the effort made in translation and put the last artistic touches to the whole piece. A monotonous and crowded layout will not withdraw the interest of your target audience, no matter how inventive and well-written your content is. So, if linguistic correctness and visual appeal are equally important to you, a desktop publishing service is your winning horse. And Columbus Lang is here to push you through it!

Multilingual Desktop Publishing Services

Are you looking for a professional desktop publishing company to format your multilingual publications in Spanish, Vietnamese, German, Arabic, or any other language? Columbus Lang is the one for it. We offer swift and affordable foreign language desktop publishing services and page layout services in Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, FrameMaker, PDF, Google Doc, QuarkXPress, MadCap Flare, and more. We have a big staff of multilingual desktop publishing services providers and DTP professionals that are well-versed in typesetting and document formatting utilizing worldwide typographical rules and graphic design best practices. Even better, we've streamlined the DTP process so that getting your projects properly prepared is no longer difficult or expensive.

Accurate language translations will only take you so far when it comes to engaging overseas clients. To offer the greatest local user experience, you must also professionally format the material in the target languages. This is why Columbus Lang is required. As a desktop publishing company, we've assisted many of our clients in accelerating worldwide company growth by creating professional-looking projects in various languages with the ideal layout. All you have to do is contact us and let our desktop publishing company take the wheel on the road to global markets. We offer multilingual desktop publishing services and international typesetting solutions in all Asian, European, Latin American, and African languages.


Why Us?

The most significant impediment to providing high-quality desktop publishing services is the widespread belief that no special credentials or experience are required. DTP, on the other hand, is a challenging multifaceted undertaking that demands expertise, resourcefulness, and an exceptional eye for detail.

If your desktop publishing service provider lacks those factors, you risk losing the end product’s aesthetics, accuracy, and efficiency, which will have a bad influence on your company’s reputation. Even minor typographical or layout errors might alter the user’s view of the finished product. Furthermore, in areas like pharmaceuticals, advertising, information technology, and communications, even the smallest error may be fatal, resulting in a total product recall or the prospect of legal action. 

We will not allow this to happen to your business; our desktop publishing company has what it takes to ensure that you do not have to go through any of this. You’ll have access to highly trained in-house DTP and design professionals who will work with the most up-to-date apps and software to turn your ideas, words, and images into a perfect and incredibly presentable format fit for printing and publication. We, on the other hand, have worked with reputable companies for long years that earned us the title of being the best desktop publishing services providers in the region.

Desktop Publishing

How We Do It?

Our process for providing desktop publishing services goes through multiple phases as follows:

Briefing and identifying project requirements
File preparation before translation
Text extraction
Translation, Editing, and Proofreading
DTP formatting, typesetting, design, and production
Formatting QA
Preliminary results for client review/approval
Final DTP output in the client’s preferred format

Multimedia Desktop Publishing Services

Columbus Lang offers multilingual desktop publishing services to complement your expert eLearning and training courses to ensure that all on-screen text elements and images are appropriately prepared in the target languages. Further, Columbus Lang has worked with a number of eLearning and multimedia platforms with a high satisfactory rate. Around the world, video streaming platforms, video games, and a variety of other entertainment products are only a mouse click away. This new reality opens up new opportunities for media translation, and by nature, desktop publishing services that assure everything is in the right place. Our desktop publishing company provides multilingual desktop publishing services for all types of media, booking your business a winning lottery ticket into the global market.

Columbus Lang is a desktop publishing company with a prominent success rate and long years of experience. We consider ourselves, by the reviews of our served clients, the best desktop publishing services provider in the region. Also, we can offer the highest quality desktop publishing services at reasonable costs. By making use of our desktop publishing service, your path to global success is already determined, your success is assured, and your reach is guaranteed when you work with the experts and desktop publishing services professionals! So, if you are looking for a desktop publishing company to help you out, look no further than Columbus Lang and call us. We mean business!!

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Easily translate your documents and digital content with quality and speed in over 160 languages.