Many Tongues, One Provider
The world has now almost 7,000 living languages. Big number, but Columbus Lang is just as big. We are able to assist your business and provide language translation services in vast range of language pairs. With our certified translation services, reaching out to individuals all around the world in their native languages and dialects is a breeze. Here, are the best translation providers where you can get your message across properly and effectively?
Columbus Lang is a professional language translation agency, a certified translation services provider, and your one-stop language translations provider. We provide effective and ISO-certified translation services in over 160 languages and regional dialects, with a particular emphasis on major Asian and European languages, while also covering major Middle Eastern and African languages, both common and uncommon. We have almost no language that we haven't worked with.
Our Supported Languages
Columbus Lang, as the best translation provider in the region, supports wide range of language translations to satisfy businesses across the globe. Such languages include:
- Afar
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic (Algeria)
- Arabic (Egypt)
- Arabic (Jordan)
- Arabic (Moroccan)
- Arabic (Saudi)
- Arabic (Standard)
- Arabic (Syrian)
- Arabic (UAE)
- Arabic (Yemen)
- Armenian
- Azerbaijani
- Balochi
- Bambara
- Belarussian
- Berber
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Catalan
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dari
- Dinka
- Dutch
- English (US/UK/CA)
- Estonian
- Farsi
- Finnish
- French
- French (Algeria)
- French (Creole)
- Fulani
- Galician (Spain)
- Georgian
- German
- Greek
- Hausa
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Igbo
- Irish
- Italian
- Kinyarwanda
- Kirundi
- Krio
- Kurdish
- Latvian
- Lingala
- Lithuanian
- Luganda
- Luxembourgish
- Macedonian
- Maltese
- Mandingo
- Mandinka
- Moldovan
- Norwegian
- Nuer
- Oromo
- Russian
- Serbian
- Sesotho
- Shona
- Slovak
- Slovene
- Somali
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swati
- Swedish
- Tamazight
- Tigrinya
- Tsonga
- Tswana
- Turkish
- Twi
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Venda
- Wolof
- Xhosa
- Yiddish
- Yoruba
- ZaZaki
- Zulu
Expertise, Check!
Despite technical breakthroughs in the language translation sector, machine translation is not yet equipped to handle the complexity and subtleties of language translations, much alone difficult and less common languages. It may be of some use, but you should never rely fully on it for proper translation. If you want to make a genuine and intimate connection with individuals, the human touch is unrivalled. As a result, our language translation services at Columbus Lang are driven by skilled human translators with substantial subject-matter expertise. That is why you can rely on them to express linguistic and cultural subtleties of languages in an effective and precise manner. Columbus Lang takes pride in holding long expertise that made it earn the title as the best translation providers in region!
World’s Finest Language Professionals
Our skilled language specialists have remarkable language and translation competency, allowing them to manage your language translations and localizations with great knowledge, dependability, and convenience. They also have the technical expertise to rely on translation technologies and tools while providing certified translation services, as well as automation techniques, when possible, and to adhere to a strict quality assurance procedure to assure correct outcomes, quick turnaround times, and fair pricing.
Columbus Lang’s language translation services are the finest in the business since we only deal with skilled translators who are native speakers and inhabitants of the nation you are targeting. This manner, you can be certain that they have the most important insider local knowledge by the best translation providers. In other words, they produce communications that mirror your target audience's cultural experiences, resulting in more real and relevant encounters avoiding misunderstandings.
Let’s talk and negotiate your first language translation services with Columbus Lang.