
Medical Terminology Translation


Medical Terminology Translation: As Important As a Medical Subscription!

When targeting an audience, it is very important to know the type of terminology we shall use and find a way to let the receiver comprehend what we are trying to deliver. Medical Terminology Translation is not that easy of a task, for it has got to be in a way that will surely get into the mind of the receiver, which in this case is the patient. The field of Medical Terminology Translation is one that requires a lot of work and dedication, as its comprehension lies in the hand of its translator and its effect goes to the patient who could be from any country speaking any language.

As a result, improving the Medical Terminology Translation through a professional and a high-skilled medical interpreter is critical in order to assist the medics in providing the best possible service to the patients and that is when you are supposed to contact medical translation agency like our agency Columbus Lang,  to get you through your request and consider them as your medical interpreter and advisor.

Medical Terminology Translation: As Important As Real Medics

Due to the endless time that the researchers spent on improving and remodeling the Medical Terminology Translations, it has shown a significant increase in value over the past couple of years. It now has better medical interpreters, better translation tools, better translation memories, and even better, it now has its own medical translation agencies, which are wholly and completely dedicated to this service and are always keen to deliver the best quality possible.

We at Columbus Lang take pride in considering ourselves and our services as the most significant in such a field you might as well consider us at the top of the list when it comes to choosing a well-trusted medical translation agency.

Although there are some tools now that are dedicated to this field alone, still, the better way and the most accurate one is through human translation done by a medical interpreter that proves the quality is top-notch which is the final result all patients are aiming for since their health depends on it. Because it is not that small of a deal, the translators surely must be field experts and not only general translators, for this is a situation that is considered a high priority to the patient who is receiving the medical reports so the outcome of the medical terminology translation must be nothing less than 100% accurate and straightforward.

That is why, at Columbus Lang, we take pride in considering ourselves a medical translation agency, among other fields that we specialize in as well, as we pick our medical interpreters thoroughly and carefully because we know that there is no space for errors because of the fatality of the field in question.

Columbus Lang and Their Aim to be Your Expert Medical Interpreters

Although some may find it a bit too much to form a medical translation agency with medical interpreters that are thoroughly committed to the field of Medical Terminology Translation, it is actually some of the most critical fields that deserve its own team of experts due to its cruciality. The most challenging thing such a medical translation agency can face is hiring a medical interpreter that is an expert in his field of work and whose outcomes speak volumes of themselves. Since most patients will not be on track with the medical terminology presented to them, finding someone who can be elaborative on such medical terminology will be the most complex challenge yet.

Once found, the medical interpreter’s job will not be only to localize the medical terminology, but also solely focuses on providing a comprehensive and clear description of the medical reports to their recipients. For that reason, the terminology used by the medical interpreter must be simple and the structure of such medical articles and reports must be somewhat uncomplicated and to the point. Choosing the right medical interpreter that is able to keep up with the field and the terminology presented right in front of them may be a task that is not as easy as it may seem, but to us, it is a piece of cake. So how about you hit us up and let us hire the top-class medical interpreters there ever will be?

A Medical Translation Agency, But a Whole Lot More!

Since we at Columbus Lang, consider ourselves a premium medical translation agency, our specialties are not limited to translation only. Columbus Lang also provides medical interpretation, medical transcription, medical voice-over, and many more services related to the medical field. Additionally, the language pairs that we can support with are unlimited, as we can translate from English into about 120 languages and the other way around as well. As a medical terminology translation, We can also support with other language combinations. In other words, our services and variety of language pairs will cover all and each one of your medical localization needs.

The Cruciality of Making a Mistake in the Medical Field is Not to Be Taken Slightly

The medical terminology translation will be of benefit to the field experts who are the medical interpreters in assuring the accuracy of the medical reports. It is surely undeniable that the translation of automatic software and tools can be way quicker and easier in getting the job done. Still, the end result will not be as coherent as a medical interpreter will develop it to be. Such tools may go wrong and translate or structure the report incorrectly, and in that case, even if it’s the tiniest bit of error, any slight inconsistency will lead to disastrous consequences because it does not only change the meaning of the medical report, it also leads to wrong and inaccurate medical diagnosis which will surely lead to inaccurate medications usage which is fatal to a patient’s health and life.

Choose your Medical Interpterter Wisely

The previous examples show the importance of choosing the right medical interpreter to be in charge of the medical terminology translation and to consider it as a vital role that people’s lives depend on, not just another task at hand that needs to be done immediately and carelessly taken care of. Needless to say, any incorrect dosage of any medication might have catastrophic outcomes for patients that might turn out to be life-threatening.

For that reason, any medical institution must be of knowledge that the medical terminology translation is to be done by professional medical interpreters. A qualified medical interpreter has to consider himself a part of the medical team with an aim to save the patient’s life. 


Columbus Lang, A Localization Company with Its Own Medical Team

Some may find it hard to believe that localization can be a crucial means of saving people’s lives, but they just do not realize the importance of medical translation terminology, which we, at Columbus Lang, do not take lightly in any way or form, and the importance of getting it just right in order to prevent any disastrous and dangerous outcomes.

Medical interpreters nowadays have become as important as doctors which proves the point that localization does not only depend on translating sentences into different languages, but in some cases, it can be a method of treatment for patients which can lead to improving their health on a small scale and to saving their lives on a bigger scale. And in hopes of a safe recovery and accurate diagnosis, we advise that you contact us and let us be a reason behind the speedy recovery!


Inspiring tips about SEO and how to improve it


In the beginning, we are going to define the meaning of SEO briefly as a quick review, it stands for Search Engine Optimization; this technique is used to increase the quality of the traffic of the website to help in ranking results and to attract visitors who are interested in products/services.

All businesses need to start to divide the keywords that they needed into two parts which are included and excluded from search.

Dividing the keywords into two parts is done so as to help them in having good results, determine their competitors and keep tracking them.

In addition to that, it helps in mentioning the major and minor products to show their main unique selling point and the main competitive advantage of their products to give the customer more details to make him understand well.

As well as, it helps in creating the customer segmentation (buyer persona) and market objectives, and then use online tools to help you in knowing your industry’s reputation.

So if you want to develop your SEO to help your website / online business you should know the below:

  • The same companies that are the closest and popular in your industry
  • Business goal
  • Competitors positioning
  • The updates and trends
  • Suitable colors for website
  • The speed of your website
  • Is it friendly mobile using or not
  • Must put social media bar on all pages to be aware of your platforms and keep connected
  • The purpose of written content
  • Know meta tags, description, and body content

Reach the organic traffic with only a few important steps to international markets.




How to Choose the Right Language Service Provider?

Columbus Lang Answers: How to Choose the Right Language Services Provider?

Companies of all sizes who are seeking global reach, home countries are no longer a limit.

Globalization and internet create more ambitious human versions that can cross the globe with the product and the service that they offer.

so, what is the key for a global reach? Yes, you are right. The key is definitely the languages.

Adapting the product or the service that you offer to global markets is becoming an integral part of any marketing strategy violating all the language and cultural difference. Here is where translation or language service providers are being the game controller.

How do you choose the language service provider?

Evidently, there is limitless number of options that you can choose from but don’t be tricked as the choice will never be that easy for you.

There are some factors that you must consider when you are choosing your translation and localization service provider:

1. Language Options

Well, roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. You must ask, what languages will you need form The global language list?

This question is a fundamental one as it helps you determine the translation and localization service provider that fits your needs. As there are companies service only European languages and others offering African languages and there are companies who can support you with 150+ languages like Columbus Company.

2. Quality

Evidently, quality is one of the fundamental factors upon which your choice should be directed. To insure the quality and the accuracy of work of your language service provider will depend on the following questions:

  • How their translators are trained?
  • What is the qualifications that their translators have?
  • How they deal with clients complains?
  •  Do they offer editing or proofreading phases to their translations or not?
  • How they supervise the quality and accuracy of the translation?

3. Technical capabilities

Without doubt, the translation and localization work is no more related only to the human translation as there are new technologies such as Computer-assisted translation applied in the translation process that can make it more accurate and professional.

Thus, you must choose a translation service provider who applies modern technologies and who are always up to date with their technologies and coping up with the market. They must be using translation management tool that makes it easy for you to be in touch and track the status of your work.

4-Operational Security and Reliability

The security of your work is surely a sensitive factor that you must shed all the lights on it.

The language service provider must have fixed security policies to insure that your data and information are protected and safe.

5- Pricing

Your budget may be one of the main factors that can affect your choice. Quality and pricing may be somehow related to each other as you get what you pay for, so do not ever be deceived by the lowest price offered as this may lead to a very bad quality content.

6- Deadlines

Fast turnaround time is an everlasting dream for any client, so choosing a translation and localization service provider that will definitely be a bounce.

You must confirm your volumes of work and its frequency. Are you going to be translating content once a month? Once a week? To have an overview about how your will be performed and submitted

On the other hand, deadlines are related to quality, so make sure that you put a suitable deadline that can fit both sides.

Evidently, the market is full with competing translation and localization services providers, so choosing the best will never be that easy.

With Columbus Company make sure that you will meet your perfect translation fit that will never leave a room for errors.


The role of trans-creation service in helping the world and cultures to get connected with their audience


At the beginning; We would like to let you know the correct meaning of the Trans-creation service, it is the process of converting a meaning from one language into another to make it culturally clear for the audience. As you’ve noticed that the word is divided into two parts “Translation”; which means the changing of text into another different language, and “creation”; which is building something new.

Trans-creation service exists where literal translation may not be the best fit, for example; it can be used in advertising, brand campaigns, marketing materials and general brand management.

Although the presence of similarity between Translation and Trans-creation; they do have some differences as well. For example:

1- Trans-creation is the recreation in another language, taking in consideration the localization segments.

2- Translation service is to translate the message or language directly into the target language without fluency or cultural rules.

3- Trans-creation focuses on linguists and copywriters with fluency and native techniques.

Trans-creation checklist:

So if you are you planning to run an advertising campaign in different countries with many languages; you should follow the checklist of your trans-creation process:

Consider the key marketing message of the source text.

Reflect and decide the style of the source text.

Be creative as much as you can.

•Use the original text as a reference for the content of the target text.

Ensure that the target text reflects the original text.

Adapt the message to the local and cultural context.

Pay attention to terminology and keywords including the tone and the choice of expressions according to your target audience.

And Finally, now you can use trans-creation service to have more advanced options to your project not only translated but also have professional converting text to reach international market audience mindset.


Tips For Translators Seeking Optimum Quality of Translation

Find Out: Tips for Translators Seeking Optimum Quality of Translation

Translators should follow better ways to reach the optimum quality of translationQuality in translation and localization means the good impact on the reader to make him satisfied with the translated article. In other words, it comes from accuracy, effectiveness and appropriation.

Levels of translation quality can be described in:

  • Raw translation
  • Normal quality translation
  • Extra-quality translation
  • Adaptation of original text

Raw translation means the probability presence of grammatical errors and misspellings, but the text has to be understandable.

Normal quality translation means that the original text is fully translated and grammatically correct and reasonably fluent.

Extra-quality translation associated completely to the cultural context of the target language. This could be a piece of literature.

Adaptation of original text is not actually the direct translation of text but the production of new text based on foreign language original that should be fluent.

Important tips for translators and translation companies to provide quality translation:

  •  Understand the client’s project by asking questions about the received brief/ document to know his needs.
  • Read the original document very well to understand content, context, purpose, and know the target audience.
  • Highlight the difficult parts in brief and search on them in original document and then write a draft or headlines for translating.
  • Revise and match the content to the original.
  • Look at the translation from the reader perspective and make sure that he will understand it by his own as he didn’t know the original one. It makes the text and message sounds organized.
  • After all, read it again to avoid typographical errors.
  • Ask for third-party review to double check the translation for any overlooked mistakes.

In conclusion, any translator should focus on the reader mindset and know well how he will understand and translate the blog from his perspective to reach his acceptance.